Reported Raytheon/Beechcraft piston mishaps, 2003.
NOTE: All cause determinations preliminary and subject to change after NTSB releases final reports, as applicable.
Total reported mishaps: 272
Operation in VMC: 173 reports
Operation in IMC: 30 reports
Weather “unknown”: 69 reports
Operation at night: 35 reports
Fatal accidents: 45 reports
“Serious” injury accidents (not involving fatalities): 14 reports
“Substantial” damage or aircraft “destroyed”: 129 reports
Mishaps during dual instructional flights: 27 reports
Recent aircraft registration (within 12 months prior to the report): 53 reports
By Aircraft Type:
Be35 Bonanza 74 reports
Be36 Bonanza 53 reports
Be58 Baron 30 reports
Be33 Debonair/Bonanza 23 reports
Be55 Baron 20 reports
Be23 Musketeer 17 reports
Be24 Sierra 11 reports
Be18 Twin Beech 8 reports
Be76 Duchess 8 reports
Be95 Travel Air 8 reports
Be19 Sport 7 reports
Be45 Mentor (T-34) 6 reports
Be60 Duke 4 reports
Be65 Queen Air 3 reports
Be77 Skipper 2 reports
Be56 Baron 1 report
Be17 Staggerwing 0 reports
Be50 Twin Bonanza 0 reports
Gear up landing
43 reports (Be18; Be24; five Be33s; fifteen Be35s; nine Be36s; Be45; five Be55s; four Be58s; Be60; Be65; Be76)
Gear collapse (landing)
27 reports (Be18; two Be33s; six Be35s; four Be36s; four Be55s; eight Be58s; three Be95s)
Landing gear: known mechanical malfunction
12 reports (Be18; two Be24s; Be33; Be35; two Be55s; two Be58s; Be60; Be76; Be95)
Gear Collapse (following electrical failure)
6 reports (two Be33s; Be35; Be36; Be45; Be65)
Gear collapse (takeoff)
2 reports (both Be76s)
Gear collapse (mechanical cause during taxi)
1 report (Be18)
Pilot inadvertently retracted gear
1 report (Be35)
Gear collapse: nose tire blew on landing
1 report (Be36)
ENGINE FAILURES (24% of total):
Engine Failure in Flight
21 reports (two Be19s; Be23; Be24; two Be33s; eight Be35s; four Be36s; Be56; two Be60s)
Engine failure on takeoff
14 reports (Be19; three Be23s; two Be33s; four Be35s; two Be36s; Be55; Be77)
Engine failure on approach/landing
11 reports (Be23; Be24; Be33; four Be35s; three Be36s; Be95)
Fuel exhaustion
7 reports (Be23; Be35; two Be36s; Be45; Be55; Be65)
Fuel starvation
4 reports (three Be35s; Be55)
Engine separation/loss of propeller blade(s)
2 reports (Be45; Be95)
Engine Failure in Flight/Loss of Fuel Pressure
1 report (Be35)
Engine Failure/would not restart following simulated engine failure
1 report (Be24)
Engine failure in flight/valve separation
1 report (Be33)
Engine fire in flight
1 report (Be36)
LOSS OF CONTROL (11% of total):
Loss of control on landing/traffic pattern
14 reports (Be19; four Be23s; Be33; four Be35s; Be36; three Be58s)
Loss of control on takeoff
3 reports (Be18; Be35; Be36)
Loss of Control/Tire blew on landing
2 reports (Be19; Be23)
Loss of Control/IFR Departure in IMC
2 reports (both Be36s)
Loss of control/Attempted visual flight in IMC
2 reports (both Be36s)
Loss of control during cruise/non IFR-rated pilot receiving instruction in IMC
1 report (Be36)
Loss of control in cruise/IFR pilot in IMC
1 report (Be36)
Loss of control on takeoff/Simulated Single-Engine
1 report (Be76)
Loss of Control on Approach/Landing/Simulated Single-Engine
1 report (Be95)
Loss of control on takeoff/avoiding animal/object on runway
1 report (Be36)
Loss of control during touch-and-go landing
1 report (Be19)
Loss of control/door open on takeoff
1 report (Be55)
Loss of control on landing/winds
1 report (Be35)
Hard landing
7 reports (Be23; Be35; Be36; Be55; two Be58s; Be76)
Impact with surface/object/person/animal during landing
5 reports (Be18; three Be35s; Be58)
Landed long
5 reports (two Be23s; three Be58s)
Impact with surface/object/animal during takeoff
4 reports (two Be24s; two Be36s)
Runway overrun/attempted or delayed takeoff abort
3 reports (Be19; two Be36s)
Landed long/Hydroplaned on wet runway
2 reports (Be36; Be55)
Runway overrun
1 report (Be35)
Runway overrun/high density altitude conditions
1 reports (Be36)
Runway overrun/brake failure
1 report (Be18)
Runway excursion/landing in fog at night
1 report (Be58)
CAUSE UNKNOWN (7% of total):
7 reports (Be33; two Be35s; Be36; Be55; two Be58s)
5 reports (Be24; two Be33s; two Be35s)
4 reports (Be35; Be36; Be58; Be95)
1 report (Be58)
Go-Around/Missed Approach/Unknown
1 report (Be77)
Impact with surface/object during approach
6 reports (three Be35s; two Be36s; Be58)
Impact with surface/objects during aborted landing/go-around/missed approach
4 reports (two Be24s; Be35; Be36)
Impact with surface/object during low-altitude maneuvering
2 reports (Be35; Be36)
Continued en route controlled descent into obstacles/terrain
1 report (Be35)
STALL/SPIN (3% of total):
Stall/mush on takeoff/go-around/missed approach
3 reports (Be23; Be35; Be36)
Stall on approach/landing
2 reports (Be18; Be45)
Stall/spin/simulated engine failure immediately after takeoff
1 report (Be36)
Stall/spin/mush during approach circling maneuver
1 report (Be35)
Stall/spin/Controlled flight into terrain/visual flight into IMC
1 report (Be35)
Stall/spin/Loss of control/thunderstorm penetration
1 report (Be76)
AIRFRAME ICE (2% of total):
Airframe ice/frost on takeoff
2 reports (Be18; Be35)
Airframe ice on approach/landing
2 reports (Be35; Be36)
Airframe ice on descent
1 report (Be36)
Taxied into object/pedestrian/other aircraft
6 reports (Be33; two Be35s; Be55; Be58; Be76)
Struck by landing/taxiing aircraft
4 reports (two Be36s; Be45; Be55)
Gear collapse/Fixed gear airplane
2 reports (both Be23s)
Taxied into object/pedestrian/other aircraft (allegedly stolen by nonpilot under influence of alcohol)
1 report (Be33)
Tail/Airframe vibration/control flutter
1 report (Be35)
Wing separation in flight
1 report (Be45)
Propeller strike on takeoff
1 report (Be35)
Inflight breakup (not linked to known tail vibration or VFR into IMC)
1 report (Be35)
Struck by jet blast
1 report (Be36)
Inflight fire in cockpit
1 report (Be35)
Struck by propeller while hand-propping aircraft
1 report (Be76)
For educational purposes only. All causes determinations as by FAA or NTSB sources unless informed reports suggest otherwise.