Reported Raytheon/Beechcraft piston mishaps
all data ©2004-2005 Mastery Flight Training, Inc. All rights reserved.
NOTE: All cause determinations preliminary and subject to change after NTSB releases final reports, as applicable.
Nearly one quarter (23%) of all reported Beech mishaps happen in the first year of registered ownership.
Of course the recency of registration does not necessarily mean the pilot-in-command at the time of a mishap has low experience in the type. Given the historically high rate of mishap in the first year of ownership, however, it would seem there are lessons to be learned about aircraft-specific familiarity and risk management for pilots new to a type regardless of total pilot experience.
Taken together, "loss of control" type incidents (Impact on Landing, Impact on takeoff, Loss of control in flight and Stall/spin) account for almost half of the "recent registration" reports.
The mishap record points out the need for:
more time spent on the initial checkout process, to develop type familiarity and instill new habit patterns appropriate to the aircraft
increased skill and knowledge among CFIs performing checkouts, to zero in on type-specific characteristics, systems operation and piloting techniques
continued pilot practice on the essentials after the formal checkout is complete
close attention to risk management, with gradually increasing personal minima (winds, density altitudes, runway lengths, en route weather) as the pilot gains experience in type
a follow-on "checkout check-up" with a type-knowledgeable CFI, perhaps three months after initial checkout is complete